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Dairy: Go Raw

By December 3, 2018Eating Well

Wonder why so many people are sensitive to dairy or are sensitive to lactose? The main reason being the pasteurization process destroys the enzyme your needs to even digest lactose!!! (Lactaid just puts that enzyme, lactase, back in!) How have we never known this?! Especially with all the lactose intolerance issues out there. It’s not our bodies’ fault that we aren’t receiving what it needs to even digest dairy. Some people’s bodies are able to re-create the enzyme needed. Some have a more difficult time creating the enzyme or over time aren’t able to as easy.

The pasteurization process also unfortunately kills most of the nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria in the diary. This is why most milk is fortified with vitamins. Milk in its natural state has many health benefits but unfortunately those get lost in the pasteurization process that all milk goes through theses days.

“In theory, pasteurization may seem beneficial, but it actually reduces the quality of milk. The heat transforms the structure of the milk proteins to a shape your body is not able to process. It also destroys the naturally occurring probiotics that can benefit your digestive system. As a result, this creates a blank slate where harmful bacteria can proliferate, turning the milk sour and causing digestive problems when consumed.” (Dr. Mercola)

raw diary benefits:

  • reduces allergies (wow!)
  • boosts the immune system (probiotics)
  • aids digestion
  • improves skin health
  • contains healthy fats
  • helps prevent nutrient deficiencies
  • increases bone density
  • helps build lean muscle mass

They started pasteurizing milk in the 1920’s to combat diseases caused by dirty production methods and poor animal nutrition. But if the cows are grass-fed and the facilities and processes of retrieving the milk are clean, the risk of disease is very, very low.

Unfortunately, raw diary today is very expensive because the FDA puts extremely strict cleanliness guidelines on the diary farms. (Pasteurized, conventional milk is so cheap because it is subsidized by the government). Organic Pastures Dairy is the most accessible raw diary company in Orange County. They’re based out of Fresno, CA and have amazingly high standards!! I’ve talked to them in person about their filtering process. 

“As a world-leading innovator and pioneer in raw milk production food safety systems, we are deeply committed to the safe production of high-quality raw milk. Our company was the first to develop and implement a comprehensive Risk Analysis Management Program (RAMP) ten years ago and we continue to improve our food safety program as better technology becomes available. Our company utilizes industry standard testing-technologies to provide extremely low risk, safe, and healthy raw milk. We achieve our high standards using a team approach, ensuring all risk elements are addressed from our grass to your glass. Every batch of milk is Triple-Tested by three different entities: the Fresno County Health Department, California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), as well as a third party laboratory.”

Not all states are legally able to sell raw milk. Luckily, in California we are allowed too. Since this is a controversial topic, please do your own research! If you choose to raw dairy, make sure it is from grass-fed cows, processed in a very clean facility and tested well. I’ve seen raw dairy sold in Sprouts, WholeFoods, Trader Joe’s and Mothers Market. You can buy Organic Pastures Dairy online here.

I don’t eat diary all the time because I believe we aren’t meant to consume too much of it. But when I do, I make sure its raw so that my body can digest it & receive all the good nutrients.

Raw diary nutrients & their benefits:

amino acids – body’s’ building blocks for proteins. There are nine essential amino acids that our body cannot naturally produce; therefore, we must consume these through a healthy diet. Raw milk contains all nine of these essential amino acids.

probiotics – raw milk is rich in healthy bacteria that can benefit your stomach flora (gut) which plays a huge role in your immune system

calcium – prevents osteoporosis, strengthens bones, and helps with weight loss. About 99% of calcium in a healthy body is used for the formation of bones and teeth and the other 1% is used for basic functions within the body.

vitamins a, b-12, & d – helps immune system function, improves vision, reproduction, cell-to-cell communication, central nervous system, blood formation, dna production, healthy eyes, skin, strong bones.

conjugated linoleic acid – a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid. It raises your metabolic rate, boosts muscle growth, reduces resistance to insulin, and strengthens your immune system.

omega 3 fatty acids – are considered the “good fats” because they play a vital role in every cell of the body. They are important for brain function and general health.

lactoferrin – helps regulate absorption of iron in the intestines and protects against bacterial infections, but also promotes healthy gut bacteria.

lacto peroxidase & lysozyme – enzymes naturally found in raw milk that function as natural protection to “bad” bacteria.

immunoglobulins & antibodies – are a natural tracking system for the body to recognize foreign substances, like “bad” bacteria. These are essential for a healthy immune system.

minerals & enzymes – are essential for a properly functioning body. Minerals (like calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.) are critical for proper cell and body function. Enzymes are active proteins that perform specific functions in the body.

cholesterol – an important fat found in all cells in the body. Cholesterol is needed to make hormones, vitamin D, and aids in digestion.

phosphatase – is needed for the absorption of calcium.

phosphorus – combines with calcium to form our bones.

lipase – an enzyme that aids in fat digestion.



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